Wednesday, November 30, 2016

5. A Handsome Stag

A Handsome Stag

O daughters of Jerusalem, hear well:
Be careful when you rouse love and its fires.
I charge you by the doe and the gazelle:
Stir not up love until it so desires.
Look! There he is. My lover comes for me—
a young gazelle cavorting o’er the hill.
He’s swift of foot and runs assuredly,
a handsome stag that goes where’er he will.
But now I see him waiting by the wall.
With longing eyes he gazes at the door.
I hear his lovely voice, I hear him call
me with a song that I cannot ignore.
He stands with eager yearning at the gate.
I’ll ever in his love luxuriate.

(Ch. 2:7-9)

Head of a Stag, Diego Velazquez, 1634

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